Ready to increase your profitability?

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For 15 years, this bolt-on solution has transformed
employees’ financial well-being, increased EBITDA,
improved cash flow and solved the annual challenge
of cost-shifting healthcare costs to workers.

A health management plan. Employer
and employee savings. A win for all.

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Our incentive-based, proactive plan improves
population health at no net cost to employers or
employees. Long term, it generates substantial
savings for everyone, too.

Need a safer work environment?

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We’ll design an incentive program that increases
employees’ awareness, ensures their buy-in, and
drives participation. The outcome will be increased
productivity and reduced healthcare costs.

Recognize your employees.
Greater productivity will follow.

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Want a workforce that’s engaged? A recognition
program will increase loyalty, motivate employees
to improve their performance, enhance teamwork,
and reduce absenteeism and turnover.

What We Do

A Strategy for Generating More Profit

Our innovative process will significantly improve your cash flow, increase EBITDA, and enable you to achieve your growth targets. ROI is guaranteed.

Population Health

Finally, a service featuring individualized health management plans in conjunction with a financial incentive for living a happier healthier life.

Protect Your
Greatest Assets

A safe workplace is good for business. Our safety programs increase productivity, improve the quality of your product, and raise employee morale.

Demonstrate Your

A successful recognition program leads to greater employee engagement, a more cohesive workforce, and a reduction in absenteeism.

More About Us

Since 2007, the SIM team has developed, implemented and managed incentive programs enabling businesses across all industries to achieve their goals. Whether you want employees to perform at a higher level, a fresh approach to deepening customer relationships, increased employee loyalty, or greater revenues or profitability, you can bank on our innovative offerings to deliver your desired outcomes.

Ready to learn more?

We look forward to speaking with you about our innovative services.

Copyright © 2019 SIM Innovators/Strategic Incentive Marketing LLC. All rights reserved.